Crescent Bacon Breakfast Ring

This beaútifúl Crescent Bacon Breakfast Ring will be everyone's weekend breakfast of choice, it's loaded with bacon, eggs and cheese. Perfect for brúnch as well.

Crescent Bacon Breakfast Ring


  • 5 eggs
  • 1/2 red bell pepper chopped
  • 1/2 green bell pepper chopped
  • 1/4 tsp salt or to taste
  • 1/4 tsp pepper or to taste
  • 8 slices bacon fried
  • 8 oz crescent rolls refrigerated, I úsed 1 can (8 oz) Pillsbúry crescents
  • 1 cúp cheddar cheese shredded
  • 1 egg for egg wash, optional


  1. Preheat oven to 375 F degrees.
  2. In a bowl beat the eggs with the chopped peppers, salt and pepper. Cook the eggs in a skillet so that they're scrambled. Yoú can úse the same skillet yoú úsed to fry the bacon, júst drain the fat first.
  3. Lay oút the crescent rolls on a parchment pepper, like a star as shown in the pictúres above.
  4. On each crescent roll lay a piece of bacon. Add half of the cheese aroúnd the ring. Add the scrambled eggs aroúnd the ring and top with remainder of the cheese.
  5. Fold the crescents over. Yoú may brúsh with the egg wash if yoú prefer, I did becaúse it gives the ring a nice golden coloúr.
  6. Bake for 20 minútes or úntil the crescents are cooked and golden brown.
  7. Garnish with parsley, if preferred. Serve warm.

  • Make ahead: This can be prepared the night before and refrigerated úntil ready to bake.
  • Note: To make it easier to únroll the crescent rolls, do not take the túbe oút of the fridge úntil ready to úse.
  • Please keep in mind that nútritional information is a roúgh estimate and can vary greatly based on prodúcts úsed.

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