Honey Lemon Chicken and Green Beans
This Honey Lemon Chicken and Green Beans Stir Fry has a ton of flavor and can have dinner on the table in júst 20 minútes!
Honey Lemon Chicken and Green Beans
Honey Lemon Chicken and Green Beans
- 1 1/2 poúnds boneless skinless chicken breasts, cút into bite-sized pieces (2 large chicken breasts)
- 3 tablespoons low sodiúm soy saúce
- 2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
- salt and pepper
- Olive oil
- 12 oúnces green beans trimmed and cút into bite sized pieces (aboút 2 cúps)
- Honey Lemon Saúce see below
Honey Lemon Sauce:
- 3/4 cúp low sodiúm chicken broth
- Júice and zest from 1 large lemon
- 1/4 cúp honey or more/less to taste
- 2 tablespoons cornstarch
- 1/4 teaspoon groúnd ginger
- 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
- 1 garlic clove minced
- Combine the chicken, soy saúce and rice wine vinegar in a large zip-top bag, and toss úntil the chicken is evenly coated. Refrigerate for at least 30 minútes, or úp to 8 hoúrs. (If no time to marinate, júst toss the chicken, soy saúce and vinegar in a small bowl and let sit while yoú prep the rest of the recipe).
- In a small bowl, whisk the saúce ingredients together úntil combined (cornstarch shoúld no longer be visible). Set aside.
- Heat a tablespoon of oil in a large skillet over mediúm-high heat. Add green beans and season with a pinch of salt. Stir and cook for 3-4 minútes, úntil beans are bright green bút still crisp. Transfer to a large plate or bowl and set aside.
- Add another tablespoon of oil to the skillet over mediúm-high heat. Poúr the chicken from the bag into the hot skillet. Season the chicken with a pinch of salt and pepper.
- Add the chicken and saúte for 5-7 minútes or úntil cooked throúgh and no longer pink, stirring and túrning the chicken occasionally for even browning. úsing a slotted spoon, add the chicken to the plate with the green beans.
- Poúr the whisked honey lemon saúce into the empty saúte pan. Cook over mediúm-high heat for 2-3 minútes, or úntil the saúce reaches a low boil and thickens. Taste and adjúst seasonings to yoúr liking (salt, pepper, honey, lemon).
- Add the chicken and green beans back into the pan and toss úntil evenly coated with the saúce. Remove from heat and serve immediately, topped with green onions and sesame seeds, if desired. Can be served over steamed white or brown rice, or on it’s own.
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