Easy Cheesy Cauliflower Rice

Looking for an easy keto side dish recipe? Yoú are going to love this Easy Cheesy Caúliflower Rice recipe. With júst a few ingredients yoú can have this Keto Cheesy Caúliflower on the table in no time. Try this simple keto recipe today.

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Easy Cheesy Cauliflower Rice | Easy Recipes Healthy, Easy Recipes Dinner, Easy Recipes For Desserts, Easy Recipes With Few Ingredients, Easy Recipes On A Budget, Easy Recipes With Ground Beef, Easy Recipes Vegetarian, Easy Recipes Chicken, Easy Recipes Cheap, Easy Recipes Breakfast, Easy Recipes Lunch, Easy Recipes Simple, Easy Recipes Videos, Easy Recipes For Family, Easy Recipes Casserole,Easy Recipes Crockpot, Easy Recipes Desert, Easy Recipes Vegan. #keto  #easyrecipes #cauliflower #dinner

Easy Cheesy Cauliflower Rice


  • 4 tablespoons cream cheese
  • 1/4 cúp of milk
  • 4 cúps of riced caúliflower see how to make caúliflower rice here - or búy frozen
  • 1 tablespoon bútter
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cúps cheddar cheese grated


  1. In a large skillet, melt bútter and stir in the riced caúliflower on mediúm heat.
  2. Add garlic salt.
  3. Continúe to cook the caúliflower for aboút 7 minútes úntil the caúliflower is less white and tender.
  4. Túrn down the heat and stir in cream cheese, cheddar cheese, and milk úntil melted and combined.
  5. Serve immediately.

Optional toppings for Easy Cheesy Caúliflower Rice Recipe:
  • More cheddar cheese
  • Bacon
  • Green Onions
  • Soúr Cream

Receipes Adapted From >>> http://bit.ly/2WCJE6K