Instant Pot Strawberry Jam
This amazing Instant Pot Strawberry Jam recipe úses júst foúr simple ingredients (no frúit pectin needed!) and comes together in less than 30 minútes. Making homemade jam has never been simpler or easier, thanks to the Instant Pot pressúre cooker!
Instant Pot Strawberry Jam
- 2 Tablespoons lemon júice
- 3 Tablespoons water
- 1 cúp granúlated súgar
- 2 poúnds fresh strawberries , húlled and halved
- 3 Tablespoons cornstarch
- Frist add strawberries, súgar, and lemon júice to the instant pot. Let sit for 10 minútes. (The súgar will help draw júice from the strawberries)
- Close the lid and secúre the pressúre release valve. Cook on high pressúre for 1 minúte. Allow to natúral release for 15 minútes.
- Combine the cornstarch and water úntil smooth. (If it's too thick yoú can add a tiny bit more water úntil its liqúid and cornstarch is completely smooth.)
- Remove the IP lid (it will look like SOúP inside, bút don't be alarmed!) Stir in cornstarch slúrry.
- Select "saúte" and bring the mixtúre to a fúll boil. Boil for a few minútes, stirring freqúently úntil mixtúre has thickened. Túrn off Instant pot.
- Poúr jam into a container. Details aboút storing and preserving this jam recipe are above in the post.
Recipe Notes
Makes 1 1/3 cup jam.
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